Thursday, November 13, 2008

The High Cost of Low Prices

By far one of the best documentary I ever seen...
Video of The High Cost of Low Prices

I used to shop at Walmart till I saw this video and will NEVER again go back. The company has taken millions from the communities around them making it hard to employ city workers such as Fireman, Officers they have caused schools to close and more then half of the community violence...rape,theft, etc. goes on in the parking lots of Walmart. The employees of Walmart have contributed to different charities more then the owners of Walmart. They make it impossible to get paid over time and are doing fraudulently. Walmart employees sweat shops over seas and MAKES the employee pay a rent in the "dorms" of the facility they work in and if they chose not to live there they still have to pay the rent wage. They have people come in to teach the workers of the sweat shop what to say when inspectors come in. If the workers choose not to say what they are told they are "dealt" with. The management encourages the employees to use Medical and welfare systems. The owners of Walmart decided after 9/11 that they needed to build an underground bunker to keep them safe.

Please make sure never to shop at Walmart again! Do not support this facility and the morals they go by. People lives are being destroyed by this company and if there is ever a Walmart in your area going up you and your community always have the power to keep them out no matter what!

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